Very Reverend Dieuseul Adain reappointed Dean of Elizabeth

Wonderful news! Very Reverend Dieuseul Adain, V.F. has been reappointed as the Dean of Union County, Elizabeth Deanery!  

Fr. Adain reassumes this coordinating role after being officially installed earlier this year as pastor to Holy Rosary & St. Michael’s Church.  

Several Roman Catholic churches provide service to the faithful in the populous Greater Elizabeth area. With so many people making up a lively movement of faith in our city, Fr. Adain will continue to work hand in hand with the Office of the Archbishop in Newark to coordinate key activities, implement policy, and communicate important initiatives to parishes in the area. 

Fr. Adain has been a tremendous resource to us here at Holy Rosary & St. Michael’s, as well as to other pastors in Elizabeth. Despite his busy schedule, he is certain to make time for his parishioners. So be sure to call the HRSM Rectory and make an appointment to speak with him about anything. 

Congrats, Fr. Adain! 

(Below is the official letter of reappointment from the Office of Archbishop Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C. Ss. R.) 

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